' Who moved my Cheese? ' -English Audiobook review- [自己啓発 (self dev.)]

Welcome to blog 'English Audiobook Review'.


This time I introduce you a famous self development book,
'Who moved my Cheese? ' .
This article is English version of the audiobook review of 'Who moved my Cheese? ' .

//The title of the audiobook//
Who moved my Cheese?

//difficulty level//
Beginner or Intermediate (Levels: beginner - Intermediate - Advanced)
1hours 14 min

//Where to get the audiobook//

//Evaluation and the story//
English Beginners can listen to this audiobook.
Some feel it difficult to listening the story part, but the content is not so difficult and the length of the audiobook is not so long,.

The audiobook is devided into 3 parts.
In the 1st part, authors(Spencer Johnson and others) talk about the book, then the story part comes(the cheese story), and finally discussion part is held.
In the discussion part, some people discuss about the story based on their experiences.

Not just to stay safe to your current situation,but be active when changes come, is the brief summary of this book.
The story part tells you this by Cheese story(with 2 dwarfs and 2 mice), then discussion people tells you how people actually use that story.

Honestly speaking, I do not understand why this book is so famous, but this book talks about universal problem , so it should be useful for everyone.

You can easily get lost where you are(listening) with lots of self development books, but this audiobook is short and you do not have to worry about it.
This audiobook is also good for your self development audiobook debut.

@Audible オーディオブックの買い方・使い方ガイド
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